Social Media

Why You Shouldn't Put Much Stock in Social Media

May 20, 20243 min read

"Just because you post something on social media doesn't mean everyone will see it!"
- Sarah George

Social media is a great tool that has been on the rise for the past decade. While it's essential to have some sort of social media presence, it's not the only avenue to help you grow your business or the only way people see/hear about you – in fact, it can do more harm than good if you're inconsistent! Today, I want to talk to you about why I don't participate very heavily on social media and why many of my clients don't either.

It Doesn't Support Relationship Building

In this day and age, where personal connection is far and few, sending a message out to the masses via social media may not have as much impact as you think. Actually, the chances of your followers seeing your post in their feed are pretty slim. Remember, just because you post something on social media doesn't mean everyone will see it!

However, the main benefit of social media is that your people can actively look through your feed and find information. Social media acts as another source for people to look for information, much like your website or any other media you invest in. 

Overall, I believe that personalizing your marketing will give you a much better chance at success. Rather than posting on social media, make it personal by calling or sending a text. If you use social media, I suggest using it in tandem with a newsletter, email, etc., so people have more places to see you and think of you.

It's Time Consuming

Another reason social media may not be helpful for your business is that it can be very time-consuming! If you're not consistent and don't have a regular process set up (think posting in batches ahead of time with branded templates, pre-written captions, etc.), it can quickly suck you in and take time away from other important tasks. At the end of the day, your time will always be better spent investing in one-on-one relationships with current and potential clients. 

Showing Up in Real Life is Better

There's no doubt that social media can help build your "know, like, and trust" factor. This means that people who truly don't know you will follow your page, get to know you, like you, and eventually come to trust and want to do business with you. However, I suggest building this "know, like, and trust" factor with people in real life. It's exactly this that brings you word-of-mouth referrals (my favorite!). 

Another tip is to show up where your people are. For example, if your current client has a podcast, newsletter, or something you can contribute to, get involved and show you care. If someone has a service club, you can show up to that in person. You're better off doing what I like to call "old school social," which is showing up and being real, in person.

Finally, remember that social media is social! You don't always have to post content, but you can contribute by commenting, sharing, or collaborating. In a world full of content, there's much more to be said about actually reaching people in an authentic way. 

Don't Stress About Social Media

My word of encouragement? Don't be stressed out or overwhelmed if you're not showing up on every platform all the time. There are so many other, more promising efforts you can make to get in touch with your people. If you'd like more tips or would like to do some one-on-one brainstorming, I'd love to help! Together, we can help your marketing be consistent and clear so that it can grow your business and help you work with clients that you like!

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