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Share Your Value With Empathy +  Authority

February 27, 20233 min read

“There are two things to incorporate in your marketing when it comes to sharing the value you provide: empathy and authority.”
- Sarah George

You know the service you provide is valuable, it's time to let others know too. You have years of experience and you are really good at what you do. You've invested your time, money, and efforts in your craft. The truth is not everyone knows what you know and they need someone like you to help them get from point A to point B.

Humbly Demonstrate Your Value

There are two things to incorporate in your marketing when it comes to sharing the value you provide: empathy and authority. Empathy is you saying "I get it, I understand what you're going through and it's tough." Authority says, "I have the expertise to help you." When you tell others that not only do you understand and care about their situation, you are qualified to make it better they will see your value.

Real World Examples

What does it look like in the wild to demonstrate your empathy and authority? Here are a couple examples. The first is a YouTube yoga instructor I watch. She knows yoga, she's an expert and she speaks in a way that I can understand because I am not an expert. Plus she has her dog laying on the floor besides her yoga mat. She is approachable allowing me to believe yes I can do the tree pose with my arms up and eyes closed.

A contrast of two examples

I received a marketing letter from an unnamed business owner that did not have any empathy, all authority and even that was not executed very well in my opinion. Although this person is an expert at what they do, the message was very one-sided. I didn't have any feelings that this person understands me and my challenges in a way that would help me. It was all about "I am the best, I know what I am doing, Call me so I can get more business, etc." This is what not to do. Without empathy the value of this person's expertise was not recognized.

In contrast, an unnamed friend of mine who sells health insurance looked through her list of clients to check premiums they are paying. She realized some were paying more than they needed to. She approached her clients by saying "I noticed you are spending this much money on your premiums, did you know you can spend a lot less? This is what that would look like for you. Here's how I can help you." Keep it about the client and how your expertise can help them.

Conclusion: Share your value by being yourself and doing what you do best. Within your marketing messages share that you really just want to help because that's what you do. With the approach of 'I see you are struggling and I want to make it better,' people will flock to you because you're approachable and you know what you're doing.

One final thought: In my discovery calls I like to give business owners a small piece of information that will help them right away. It may be a technical solution or an informational resource. This positions my value as I know what I am talking about and I want you to succeed. Want your free piece of marketing advice? Schedule a consultation and discover how I can help you reach your marketing goals.


Sarah George

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