Strategic Marketing

Marketing That Works For Your Unique Business

March 12, 20242 min read

"Consistency is the key to success." - Sarah George

It's easy to feel lost when it comes to marketing, especially when the one-size-fits-all approach fails to yield results for your unique business. You've experimented with unconventional tactics, but without the nitty gritty support, you keep missing the mark. So, what gives?

Rigid Marketing Strategies Hurt Your Business

Not every marketing idea will work for every business, and it's foolish to follow anyone who says otherwise. Imagine your local hair salon trying to copy Target's car seat buy-back event. What would they buy back? Used shampoo bottles? Used combs?

There's a term called hacking (not computer hacking, more like recipe hacking—when you see a meal at a restaurant and try to copy it at home). The problem with hacking is that you don't know the other business's marketing goals. What if their goal was brand building and yours was lead generation?

Identify The Biggest Impact For Your Business

Build a marketing plan (or try something new) around a single goal. Are you looking to build up a book of business? Are you looking to make more connections? Choose one goal.

What will have the greatest impact on this goal? For example, if you're an insurance agent looking to work with young families and want to increase your leads in this area, sponsor a local sports team or ice cream social at the local school so you can attend events and talk with young families. Be where your people are.

Once you've accomplished that one goal, continue those tactics because you know they work for your business; only then add a new goal.

Doubling Down on Effective Marketing

Consistency is the key to success. Do you have a system in place to measure leads in your business? If not, it's time to invest in one – whether it's a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, a spreadsheet, or specialized software for task and pipeline management.

As you navigate your marketing journey, remember to captivate your audience or engage in one-on-one interactions if you're not ready to launch. By tailoring your marketing strategies to your unique business goals, you'll pave the way for sustained success.

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Let's Connect!

No pressure. Tell me your goals for growing your business and together we'll walk through some fresh ideas. Your first consultation is at no cost, no obligation.

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