“Without information from research, you really don't know how to proceed with your marketing in an effective way – it's constant trial and error.” - Sarah George
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Let's talk about the not-so-glamorous or exciting part of marketing in a not-so-polished, perfect video production. I'm talking about research.
Research is the data that gives you feedback and helps drive your efforts in the right direction. Without information from research, you really don't know how to proceed with your marketing in an effective way – it's constant trial and error.
When you have this data, you can "get in your clients' heads." You'll know their desires, their fears, the words and phrases they use, what's holding them back, and what they believe success looks like when it comes to getting the service you provide. Everyone wants to be understood; when your audience believes you understand them and their situation, they are more likely to trust you with their business.
It can be as simple as an email, phone call, or text message asking your clients (past, present, future) for information as it relates to your service. Have a standard set of a few questions you ask so you can easily send it out. For example, 1) What do you dread most about [the service you provide]? 2) What do you believe would alleviate this for you?
Research also comes from listening. Tune in at networking events to see what people are saying. You'll be surprised how much you can glean from these conversations. If it's fitting, ask questions to gather further information. Online groups and forums are another place you can "listen." These are a wealth of information. Read comments and answers to questions people have.
I worked with a non-profit organization. Part of the strategy included brand awareness research. How many people in the community were aware of this organization and what they did? I got feedback from a variety of people: advocates, donors, volunteers, and random community members. I found that most people were aware of the organization but not aware of the service they provide.
This information was valuable to help steer the marketing communication. We knew not to waste time educating people about who the organization was but to focus on the programs and services they provide. Research helped save time and energy by directly targeting the audience so that when they or someone they know needs this service, they know which organization to contact.
Conclusion: Research is the ounce of prevention that saves you a pound of cure. Regularly gather information to help steer your marketing efforts in an efficient direction. Need support in researching? Let's talk schedule a consultation. There's no cost, no obligation.
Or go straight to getting it done with a Marketing Power Hour. A one-time fee includes a 60-minute one-on-one call, follow-up items, and support. You've been getting by on your marketing efforts alone but not getting the momentum you want. With me as a sounding board and expert voice, we can accomplish a lot in one hour. One client I worked with mapped out her entire sales funnel!
Schedule it here.
Welcome to a 6-part series on the Story Brand framework. I'll walk through the steps so you will be able to share your own story geared toward your idea clients.
The importance of (always) marketing can be summed up to three phases. All of your business comes through one of these phases.
What do you do when a campaign doesn't yield the results you expect or hope for? It can be deflating especially with all the energy you put in and expected a certain ROI of your time, energy, and money. Here are some suggestions...
Are you aware of the marketing funnel? It's called other things: customer journey; buyer awareness; marketing journey. This funnel is the point of your marketing efforts - to go from unawareness to advocate. Recently I went through the entire journey as fast as expedited shipping. Let me share.
As the one running it all, you are trying your best to keep up with what is coming at you right now, and sometimes that is marketing. But there is another, more effective way. Read on for how to be a proactive marketer.
You know that feeling of wanting more but not sure how to get it? More satisfaction from your career? More time for vacations? More days feeling healthy and not burned out?
My first featured guest on Client Conversations is Lynne Zimmer, a certified DreamBuilder Coach.
Lynne and I discuss business and connection. Have a listen in.
What does it mean to connect to your clients? One definition of connecting is to join together to provide access and communication. You have to hear them. Then you can speak to them, and they will be more likely to hear you. Knowing who you are marketing to and what matters to them is critical.
How do you do that? It starts with research and understanding.
As a business owner, you want to drive sales so you make money and benefit more people. But getting clients takes time and energy- both of which are a limited commodities. How can you make your growth efforts more effective so it takes less time and makes a bigger impact?
You know what you offer is valuable to your ideal clients who need you. You really do make life better for them. But the struggle is actually telling others you are good at what you do without feeling like you are desperate or tooting your own horn.
No pressure. Tell me your goals for growing your business and together we'll walk through some fresh ideas. Your first consultation is at no cost, no obligation.
What can you lose?
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