Content Marketing

Marketing Master Chef

April 10, 20242 min read

"Just like making quality food, strong marketing takes time."
- Sarah George

There are a few things I am good at following through with – listening, empathy, marketing, etc. However, my superpower is definitely NOT in the kitchen. I'm not much of a chef, mainly because it takes too much time and patience. At the end of the day, it's just not my priority.

I may be no Julia Child, but I think of many marketing analogies while I'm in the kitchen. One weekend, I was making a stew, and I wanted to throw everything in the Crock-Pot and let it do its thing. But I had a recipe, and that's not what it said to do. I had to prepare and brown the meat, then be sure to cut and season everything accordingly. I also made sure to use quality ingredients because one bad potato can throw off the entire dish.

Marketing Recipe

So, what's the analogy here? The same with taking your time in the kitchen and following a recipe along with using quality individual ingredients to create a tasty meal is creating and following a plan for marketing in your business. 

First of all, having direction from a roadmap/strategy (aka a recipe), even if you're still trying to figure out what you're doing (like me in the kitchen), still means you can succeed. Secondly, having clear, quality messages that marinate in your ideal clients' minds is what leads to sales. Finally, just like making quality food, strong marketing takes time. You can take the 2-minute microwave approach, but it's way less palatable.

Another option is to hire a marketing strategist (that's my kind of cooking!) to do it for you. For my clients, I have a variety of ways to help business marketing go from overwhelming or non-existent to a piece of cake.

Get Support

Captivate Ideal Clients – This course is a helpful way to DIY your marketing with some support. It's available as a do at your own pace digital course. Buy now for only $99!

Know Your Who: Defining Your Ideal Client – this is a research-based service that gives you a crystal clear definition of who your ideal client is, what their pain points are, what they think vs. what they feel, and why what you do betters their life. Schedule a consult.

Marketing Strategy – This is where the full service is done for you. After an initial kick-off with you, I will research, plan, and create a marketing strategy, including a 12-month calendar. This is your recipe to follow! It's a clear direction of who you serve, how you serve, and what activities to engage in. When someone emails asking you to buy/sell/promote/advertise [fill in the blank], you know exactly if it fits your strategy, saving you time and hassle. Schedule a consult.

Little Black eBook of Relationship Marketing – This eBook offers ten quick tips to help you take the overwhelm out of marketing yourself.

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