Tell Your Story: Part 3 & 4

Marketing is engaging with the right people. How do you get them to engage back? That's where storytelling comes in. Quick recap: Story Brand, authored by Donald Miller, takes the idea that a brand can tell a story where the customer is the hero and the company is the guide that leads them to success.

This is a 6-part series. See this post for the beginning of the story.

Along the Way the Hero Meets a Guide...

Your hero (aka ideal client) knows there is a problem that must be solved but hasn't figured out the solution. They've tried things and it's just not working. They need a guide, a Yoda to their Luke. 

A guide - that's you! - helps them cross the bridge from where they are to where they want to be. A guide displays two main attributes: empathy and authority. 

Empathy is your reason that you care, "hey I get it." Sprinkle empathy in your marketing messages by telling your clients how you understand their problem, validate their emotions.

Authority shows you are capable and qualified to help. Your marketing can include awards, testimonials, quantitative data of how you serve. 

... And the Guide Gives a Plan

You have a process that you use to help your clients. Boil it down to the simplest steps. In fact, no more than 4 steps. There may be multiple steps in between but your clients don't care about those details; they want to know what gets them from here to there and if it's overwhelming they are out.

Your car mechanic doesn't tell you each nut and bolt that gets unscrewed. The steps are 1) Bring your car in for an estimate 2) Get a complementary ride or wait in our lobby 3) Drive away confident

Summarize your process in the simplest way.

Stay tuned for the next steps. Join the Connective Community to get it delivered to your inbox!

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