Use the 3 C's for Effective Marketing

Marketing is more than hashtags and ads. It covers a wide variety of activities from employee training to care after you make a sale. I define marketing as a series of activities that get people to engage. Activities that make people feel heard and understood. Effective marketing gets people to feel compelled to action.

So how can your marketing get people to feel compelled to action? Whether that is to purchase, follow, join, refer, share, etc. Keep my 3 C's in mind when developing and executing your marketing plan.

1) Clarity

Know who you are so your clients and prospects will know too. When you have an identity crisis how can you expect others to know what you do? Be specific and own it. Clarify your purpose in why you are in business; use it as your compass for marketing activities. Clarify who you serve; learn & speak the language of your ideal client. When in doubt keep it simple, the less jargon the better.

2) Consistency

If you remember anything, remember to stick to what you commit to. Effective marketing is a long game. It takes showing up consistently to make an impact. In part, this is because results only show up when you can measure an activity and sporadic cannot be measured. Make sure the activities you incorporate in your marketing plan are things you have the capacity to execute regularly. They may be triggered by time (i.e.-daily, weekly, monthly) or by instance (i.e.- birthday, new sign up, first sale, referral, etc.). Not only does this give you focus and save time on your marketing efforts, it gives your clients trusted expectations. Imagine if your favorite company did not perform regularly - sometimes you get pickles, sometimes you don't.

3) Creativity

Know that creativity does not mean complicated. Simple creativity can make a big impact on your marketing efforts. Nobody knows your clients and prospects like you, experiment with interactive ways to communicate. Quizzes, phone calls, events, contests, giveaways, handwritten notes are a few ideas to start. Get ideas from others; you don't have to reinvent the wheel but you can add your own bedazzle to it. Keep a storage of ideas you might want to try with your own twist. Also remember you are not for everyone, keep it fun for those you are for. Your authenticity will draw the right crowd.

Keep these 3 C's in mind as you strategize your marketing activities. If you do so expect efficiency, expect saving time and money, and expect quality growth to your business.

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